Thanks to Joe Moore, an Alderman here in Chicago, there is a restaurant ban on foie gras obtained through the most inhumane torture of helpless geese. Even small steps in the progress of humanity are cheering.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Unfortunately it is impossible to make a career out of culinary journalism even though Symposia was nominated for an M.F.K.Fisher award by the James Beard Foundation. Nor does she have any hopes of earning a living when her book Bird's Custard Island, a culinary memoir of life in England is published. M.F.K., Julia and Elizabeth David all had independent incomes, from family, husbands, and so forth.
One sees Carlo Petrini finally getting some recognition for Slow Food to which we belong. If anyone has an idea how to make a career promoting sustainable agriculture please inform. The article we wrote received no attention which is typical of the importance of the written word these days.