Thank God the election over; the differences between the candidates cosmetic and only the naive think otherwise. It is a relief not to have to see Teresa Kerry's smirk.
Lucia's Symposium
Lucia casts a wary eye on cultural infelicities, and dissents from all orthodoxies.
Previous Posts
- Glad the airwaves have shrunk and we won't have to...
- I forgot how snotty the English are: tried to volu...
- For decades in Chicago Veuve Cliquot or Taittinger...
- The New York of my youth had totally disappeared b...
- I lived in Chicago for 20 years and it seems like ...
- My idea is to do a Barzun approach to BB, Fry and ...
- We do love gargoyles and grotesqueries and here is...
- The difference between Kenneth Clark's own charmin...
- Only read primary sources henceforth and skip the ...
- Just when I am skeptical about ESP something occur...
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
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